by Dr. Elli Reilander, ND | Dec 23, 2016
Acupuncture What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a modality that was developed and mastered by traditional Chinese medical doctors but is now it’s becoming increasingly popular in western medical practices. The foundation of acupuncture relies on the principles...
by Dr. Elli Reilander, ND | Dec 23, 2016
Botanical Medicine What is botanical medicine? Botanical medicine (or herbal medicine) is the use of plant material in various forms therapeutically. Botanicals have a long history in medicine and have been the inspiration behind a multitude of pharmaceutical...
by Dr. Elli Reilander, ND | Dec 23, 2016
Clinical Nutrition What is clinical nutrition? Nutrition is one of the foundations for good health. Dr. Reilander is highly trained to advise on optimizing your nutritional profile and on how to use nutrition therapeutically. What you eat and drink can have an...
by Dr. Elli Reilander, ND | Dec 23, 2016
Homeopathy What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is a very gentle form of medicine that focuses on minute dosing of substances. Founded approximately 200 years ago, homeopathy is widely used in Europe and India. While rarely used as a stand-alone treatment some patients are...
by Dr. Elli Reilander, ND | Dec 23, 2016
IV & Injection Therapies What are intravenous (IV) and injection therapies? IV and injections are therapies that involve introducing higher doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other injectable substances directly into the body via the blood stream (IV) or...